
Análisis Softonic

Palabras hermosas con significados hermosos

"Beautiful Words with Beautiful Meanings" is a free Android application developed by Mhnya95 in the Lifestyle category. This app provides users with the latest and most impactful phrases and illustrated words for the year 2022, without the need for an internet connection. It covers various aspects of life and includes the latest and most beautiful images of love, reproach, romance, and expressive quotes. Additionally, it offers a collection of illustrated statuses and beautiful messages.

The application is user-friendly and is designed for lovers and friends to share the most beautiful images and phrases. It features a wide range of images, messages, and poems about separation, betrayal, and sadness. Users can easily share these images and messages as WhatsApp or Facebook statuses. The app also includes a large collection of love thoughts, sad thoughts, poetic images, and melancholic reproach images.

A new section has been added, offering online phrases and a large and distinctive collection of beautiful and impactful online phrase images. This addition aims to avoid increasing the app's size.

Programa disponible en otros idiomas

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